It’s time for Entrepreneurs to Rise and Move!

Posted on June 27, 2009. Filed under: 1, Business, Coaching, Entrepreneur, Leaders, Leadership Development | Tags: , , , , , , |

Recently this Business Coach had the great pleasure of participating in a Biznik event called SHINE. The event sponsored by the great minds at Biznik was all the buzz for several weeks around the greater Puget Sound region. I was fortunate enough to make the list and attend the event.

The event was created with the sole purpose of bringing entrepreneurs together to make a movie about being in business. While the Shine Video/Movie is not complete yet, there are well over a 150 Bizniks that created their very own video interview at the event. (Mine will be posted shortly.) What I remember about that event was the energy in the room, this very large open space with twelve movie cameras and hundreds of people with nerves that were palpable. What I remember was how excited I felt to just be in the midst of so many business minded folks.  What I remember was thinking “will I blink my eyes too much on camera!” WOW it was really a fantastic opportunity and pulled my thoughts to the power of the entrepreneur in today’s world environment. From one single idea to filling a room with over 500 RSVP’s to an event that was about telling the story and sharing the journey of the Entrepreneur.

Often we forget or set aside that collectively as business owners, that entrepreneurial spirit is a force to be heard and celebrated.

As a leader of several professional teams and organizations, as well as the owner of two successful businesses, I sometimes miss the mark on remembering my own power in the world. While I work with leaders in business and industry, I often drop the fact that as an entrepreneur, my voice is one that wants to be heard on the front of change and success. So today, I offer you a video that brought me back to what I get excited about as an entrepreneur. I hope you enjoy it.

A Question from the Coach: What entrepreneurial action will you take today, to produce extraorinary results for tomorrow?

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